This was breakfast!! |
Roadway Inn, Wadsworth, Ohio
Miles: 77 MPH: 12 Max: 28 Total: 2934
Jack's apartment in Wisconsin fell through! Oh UGH! He took the car and headed back West to again apartment shop! John biked with me continuing East. I assured Jack that my miles count for him also!
Both John and I had a minor accident! Railroad tracks grabbed our bike tires and first he went down and then me! Couldn't believe it! Lucky - bruised and scraped but nothing broken on us or our bikes. My front brakes came apart and we needed pliers to secure them again -- We so wanted to bike without carrying a lot of stuff that both our tool bag and our first aid kit were in the car with Jack!!
A local cyclist road with us for the last 10 miles or so today. So great for someone who knows the roads to lead the way. He invited us to his home for cold drinks and watermelon! Folks who ride bikes have got to be the friendliest people in the world!!
Can't wait for Jack to rejoin us! Wait till he sees our boo-boos!!!
The railroad tracks must have been at a diagonal. I've had it happen to me before but I've learned to swing into the lane of traffic so that I can get across the tracks in a straight line.
ReplyDeleteYou're making pretty good time. I estimate that you're at least 160 miles from McKeesport, PA where you'll get on the GAP.
I'm finally in SW Missouri. Yesterday, I was looking at getting across the Mississippi River at Hickman, KY but the ferry wasn't in operation because the water level in the River is low. Today, I rode up the SW edge of Kentucky and crossed both the Ohio and Mississippi River bridges at Cairo, IL. I've got to go a little bit more west to Sikeston, MO before I can start my trip Northward but this time it will be on the Western side of the Mississippi River. I'm about 5 days ride from the St. Louis area.