Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Where There's a Wheel, There's a Way!

Saturday, June 30, 2012  (Day 24)
Town Home Motel, Lusk, Wyoming
Miles:  58  MPH:  14  Max:  37  Total:  1387

Total Melt Down!
Gotta Love Small Towns!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Every life has a story. Take time to listen!" ~ Church sign in Douglas, Wyoming

Friday, June 29, 2012  (Day 23)
Riverside Park, Douglas, Wyoming
Miles:  60  MPH:  14  Max:  37  Total:  1329

What a difference a day makes!  Feeling great again!! 

Wyoming is hillier than expected, but then I'm not sure what I based my expectations on!  Actually the hills were nice today as you could feel a breeze on the downhill.  It's stinking hot again, but we filled our camel-backs with ice to keep both our water and our backs cool - worked well!
Wyoming loves their Jack-o-lopes!
Jack and I debated about the best route to get to Douglas.  Several folks in Casper gave their advice.  Our choices -- the interstate or a back road.  The back road was about 10 miles longer and much hillier.......Jack voted for the interstate and I argued for the back road (sometimes I'm not sure he is my son :-)  He won!  Turned out to be a nice ride.  The cars were fast (speed limit 75 mph) on the interstate but traffic was lighter than we would have at home around town and the shoulder was smooth and very adequate.  Also it took us through the town of Glenrock - a mini little gem where we found friendly folks, good coffee and a scrumptious breakfast. The bathrooms here were labeled "Sitters" and "Pointers!!"  haha!! Everyone wanted to know about our trip -- we love being celebrities!
Resting at the visitor center!
Easily we made it to our destination, Douglas.  Stopped at the visitor center where they sent us to an old fashioned ice-cream parlor - OMG so good!  Also, told us where we could camp for FREE on the beautiful river.  I love Free!!  But you know the saying, "There is NO Free lunch!!"  In the middle of the night, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", from a dead sleep, we both sat straight up as the sprinklers came on full force!  For some reason, I can picture the host at the visitor center, with her huge smile (an evil smile :-)  as she told me how beautiful Riverside Park was with it's lush grass and trees and that we could camp there for free!!!!

Temps continue to be record highs, so we're doing a bit of trip planning at the air conditioned library -- our favorite library so far!

Another easy ride tomorrow and then onto South Dakota!

Ice Cream -- so scrumptious!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." ~ Beverly Sills

Thursday, June 28, 2012  (Day 22)
Parkway Plaza Hotel, Casper, WY
Miles:  59  MPH:  11.5  Max:  23  Total:  1269

UGH!!  Ugh! Ugh!!  Not a spectacular day!

Giant Rock Formations!
We knew it would be a tough day.  There is nothing between Riverton and Casper, Wyoming and they are 120 miles apart.  Nothing to do but pray for a tail wind and that we both felt up to the challenge.  But no wind and record high temperatures and no (I mean no) shade began to do us in!  Jack still wasn't feeling well and didn't want to eat because his stomach felt uneasy.  Even though we were trying to drink plenty, the air was so dry, desert like, that we could hardly swallow.  We had passed a gas station about 10 miles into the ride and at 59 miles another one in the town of Hiland (population 10! yep 10!).  Stopping for a cold drink and to get out of the sun, we were discouraged.   Several workers from the area were inside for lunch.  We talked and asked if they thought we could camp somewhere before reaching Casper.  The options were dim!  Then we learned the gas station had a room they would rent (use your imagination) for the night!!  Yikes!  Our options were looking bleak!

While there, a family came in looking for gas.  The gas station was out of gas and wasn't due a delivery until tomorrow!!  There wasn't another gas station for almost 50 miles.  It's a crazy world here!

Our Rescuers!
Jack, feeling queasy,  wanted to find a ride!!  Are you kidding?  Ugh!  I did not want a ride!  But a bit worried I stuck out my thumb and at 53 years old, I hitch-hiked!!  Two very nice men stopped and we loaded our trailer, 2 bikes, bags, and us in the back of their pick-up truck!  Now don't think it was easy!  The sun  relentlessly beat down on us, the wind blew at 70 mph - fierce, and the ride was bumpy and extremely dirty!!  It was a long ride and I don't think I would have made it by biking.  But now that the sun is a bit lower and I'm cooled down, I'm going to ride around the town for 60 miles to make up for it!!

We are in the town of Casper tonight, Wyoming's 2nd largest town.  It's smaller than Lancaster!  
Now that's a saddle!

Tomorrow is a short mileage day.  We are at a hotel tonight and hoping that Jack will feel better in the morning.  Looking forward to what the new day brings our way!
Missing home!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

♪♪♪ "Momma Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys!" ♪♪♪ ~ Willie Nelson

Wednesday, June 27, 2012   (Day 21)
Owl Creek Kampground, Riverton, WY
Miles:  87  MPH:  14  Max:  31  Total:  1210

Our Dubois Cottage - We loved it!
I Love my Bike!
After our good-bye to John, we had a beautiful ride along the Wind River Canyon Scenic Byway.  Spectacular rock walls rose thousands of vertical feet on either side of the road.   These rocks are over 2.9 billion years old. Black and pink cliffs protruded to the heavens.  Deep blue reservoirs and lakes rippled in contrast.  The ride was hillier than expected - was told we were in the Owl creek mountains.

Deer were everywhere....crossing the road, on the sides of the road, running along side as we biked.  There was a group of 11 horses that ran along the open field as we very beautiful.

The sky stretched on forever!  Looking straight up it was nearly purple and then turned lighter shades of blue as it extended toward the horizon...beautiful and not a cloud in sight.

Wind River - So far the wind is always against us :-)
In Riverton, we headed for the grocery store to stock up before getting to our campground.  Once inside, Jack started sweating terribly and collapsed to the ground.  I got him a cold drink and some ice and a cold towel.  A shopper saw what was happening and got management and the pharmacist to come over.  We created a bit of a scene!  Jack didn't feel well yesterday, and I think the sun did him in today.

The sky and sun were red and orange from wild fire smoke!
At the campground, we cooled down in the game room with the "swamp" cooler!!  Looked like an air conditioner but they called it a "swamp" cooler here in the West!

Everyone truly has a story, but the stories just seem so good at campgrounds.  We met Tod who is a student but can't find housing, so he has to camp every night!!  Another young girl told me they were living there just until they could find a better place to live.  The owner of the place was a "Jersey Girl" and worked for Marriott in NYC and California and retreated for a quieter life.  As night fell,  the talk was about the wild fires out west.  Several RVs had driven up from Colorado to escape the smoke and fires.  At the campground, the smoke was pretty dramatic and we learned the fires were to the South, West and North of us!!  Good thing we are headed East!

Looking forward to tomorrow's unknowns!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!" ~ John Muir

Tuesday, June 26, 2012   (Day 20)
Twin Pines Cabins,  Dubois, WY
Miles:  65  MPH:  12  Max:  31  Total: 1123

Absolutely glorious day!  As typical, we were freezing when we started pedaling just before 7am.  Quickly the sun warmed us and it turned into a beautiful biking day.  The sky was that perfect robin egg blue color with barely a cloud.  We had a 20 mile climb up to Togwotee Pass.  About 1/2 way, we saw signs regarding road construction, warning motorcyclists of rough conditions, and then warning of unpaved roads.........When we reached the construction crew we were told that they would send a truck to take us through the work zone.  We loaded our bikes and ourselves on the back of a truck and took a very rough ride about 3 miles.  The road was totally demolished and lots of heavy equipment was moving huge amounts of dirt!!  Best part -- the 3 miles ride was was along a steep uphill!!  Actually the climb to 9,658 feet didn't seem to bad!!  I'd like to think we're getting stronger.  I know it had a lot to do with John still carrying our gear!!
Winding roads and beautiful landscape all day!

The second 1/2 of the ride was downhill and the scenery spectacular.  The mountains became more rugged and rough with a distinctive western feel.  As we got closer to Dubois the mountains again changed, looking painted with pink, red, and orange stripes.

Our destination, Dubois, is a small western town....the welcome sign declared population 951!  A few long mileage days coming up as the towns in Wyoming are far apart!
World's Largest Jack-a-lope!! haha!

Monday, June 25, 2012

"Nature is the Art of God." ~ Dante Alighieri

Monday, June 25, 2012
Colter Bay Village, Grand Tetons National Park, Wyoming
Miles:  33 MPH:  14.5  Max:  33  Total:  1058

Passed 1,000 miles today!!!  Woo Hoo!!

Can't wait to see what the next 1,000 miles bring!
Great Day!

Jack and I pedaled just 31 short miles passed Lewis Falls and the Lewis Canyon (spectacular!) and arrived at Grand Teton National Park by 9:30am.

As we rode the magnificent skyline of the Grand Teton Mountain Range came into view.  These majestic, blue-grey mountains are breathtaking!  Uniquely, due to the absence of foothills, they provide a close up view.


Set up camp at Colter Bay Village!  Wow, I never thought I could get John to camp -- two nights in a row!! We then enjoyed the day sight seeing at Jenny Lake and Jackson Hole!

Jackson Hole Central Park - Moose Antlers!
The "Boys" in Jackson Hole

Spectacular Jenny Lake!

Perfect Day!

Fun Day!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vintage point." ~ Harold B Melchart

Sunday, June 24, 2012   (Day 18)
Lewis Lake,  Yellowstone National Park, WY
Miles:  61  MPH:  11  Max:  37  Total:  1025

Biked into Wyoming, our 5th state, and biked right through Yellowstone National Park today!  We had a minor bike repair as the screw holding on my baggage rack came off.

Entering Wild Wyoming - Our 5th State!
Road Side Repair!
Saw a field full of Elk and one elk near the road.  He raised his head and continued chewing  grass as we biked by.  He was so close if I extended my arm, I could have touched him!!  The bison herds were in the fields but none blocking the road.  Dozens of adorable chip-monks scurried about (I'm not afraid of them!) We passed right by Old Faithful, passed colorful mineral deposits, and watched the steam boil up from the ground.

Snack break watching the steam rise from the earth!
Several climbs and wind made things a challenge.  We crossed the continental divide 3 times and climbed to a new high at 8400 feet.

Our Support Vehicle!
We are camping at Lewis Lake in the Southern section of Yellowstone.  There is still snow on the ground.  The camp ground is not even officially opened yet, but the park rangers said we could still camp.  The mosquitoes are wicked!  The temperature in the mountains has had huge swings.  Nights are still very cold getting near freezing and the days are near 90 degrees!!  Daylight has also been really long.  It's already light at 5am and it doesn't get dark until after 10pm! Crazy!

Lewis Canyon
Grand Tetons tomorrow!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, REMAIN that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for YOU." ~ Max Lucado

Saturday, June 23, 2012    (Day 17) 
The Westwood Motel, West Yellowstone, MT
Rest Day

Everyone should visit Yellowstone National Park once.  If you are really lucky you will return.  If you are truly blessed you get to ride through the park on your bicycle!!  Sooooooooo incredible!
Yellowstone Lake

Walking among the geysers, mudpots, and hot springs at Yellowstone is like walking on the inside of a volcano.  It's not like anything else I've ever seen!  Truly amazing!

Steam escaping from the earth
Friendly Bison everywhere
We saw herds of bison, elk, a moose (we think!), deer, chipmonks, ducks, and geese.  The bison are everywhere - sleeping on the sides of the road, blocking the roads, in the rivers and lakes, lounging on patios, and at the spa - sitting on top of a steaming geyser.

The falls and Yellowstone grand canyon are breathtaking as are the mountains and Yellowstone Lake.

Yellowstone River
It was an incredible rest day!  Back on the bike tomorrow.  John will carry our gear, and he gets his first taste of camping :-)  We'll be at Lewis Lake in the southern part of Yellowstone National Park!  Two big climbs to get there, but we can't wait!!


ps  We love having support and not carrying our bags and not towing that 50 pound trailer.......just case anyone wants to see our beautiful country and come out to Wyoming or South Dakota and carry our gear each day!!!!

Feels like we are on the Moon!

The "Bubbling" Earth

Rainbow at the Yellowstone Falls

Friday, June 22, 2012

"A setting sun still whispers a promise for tomorrow." ~ Jeb Dickerson

Friday, June 22, 2012   (Day 15)
Love the mornings!
The Westwood Motel, West Yellowstone, MT
Miles:  75  MPH:  12.5  Max:  36  Total:  964

We watched "Old Faithful" erupt at sunset!  Totally spectacular!

Loved riding our bikes today unencumbered with all of our gear.  John, our support for the day,  loaded the trailer and and our saddle bags in the SUV, and Jack and I aimed for West Yellowstone.  Although most of the day was uphill, we didn't have any huge climbs or mountain passes.  Throughout the day we would gain over 2,000 feet in elevation.

Up and Up and Up and Up!
Dozens of deer were spotted nearby.  One ran across the road and then not seeing a wire fence, ran directly into it, knocking herself down.  She got right up though and easily continued her run.

Are you kidding?
Spectacular scenery
More and more signs warned about wildlife....."Caution Wildlife on the Road"  "Big Horn Sheep Crossing"  "Game Crossing" "Moose Crossing" "Bison on the Road"  Then I saw an animal roaming up ahead and got scared.  I thought perhaps it was a wolf or a coyote.  Jack was miles ahead and my "support" vehicle no where to be found!  I tried waving down a few cars but they sped by.  I grabbed my bear spray as I watched the "wild animal" criss-cross the road ahead.  Finally it ran up the road and I pedaled slowly.......ok ok I overreacted -- it was just a dog, but it could have been a wolf!!

Finally, Jack and John were waiting -- and John had bought cold water and pizza for lunch!  We're being pampered this week!

The wind tested us the last 8 miles, but the view made up for it.  We road along Earthquake Lake - created in 1959 by a massive earthquake....Then along the Madison River and knew that Yellowstone had many amazing sites to show us in the next few days.

Arriving in West Yellowstone after pedaling for 74 miles, we ate (again!) and I headed for the greatly needed laundry mat.  We didn't want to wait till tomorrow to see the park, so via car, we explored the geyser basin watching steam and water spout from the earth.  A herd of buffalo blocked the road.  They were awesome as they ignored the vehicles and slowly wandered about.......but what the heck do you do if you are on a bicycle?

Yellowstone is breathtaking
Imagine meeting him on our bicycles!
Crowning our fabulous day, we stopped to see "Old Faithful."  We had just missed it!  So we ate again at the "Inn" and then at 8:40pm as the sun set we watched her erupt in spectacular glory!!  The eruption begins with a few splashes of water jetting a few feet in height and then grew as steam and water spout in an upward cone high into the sky -- just spectacular!!  I can't believe I'm here....and best of all.....we biked to get here!!

Tomorrow is a rest day!  We'll be hiking the Yellowstone Grand Canyon!! xoxo 

Old Faithful Erupting at Sun Set

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." ~ Greg Anderson

Thursday, June 21, 2012 (Day 15)
Scoops Cabins, Ennis MT
Miles:  46, MPH:  11  Max:  41  Total: 889

Our support vehicle arrived today!!

Since we had a short mileage day planned, we could plan several stops.  Great coffee was found in Sheridan.  The two BFF's stopped in for breakfast while we were there!  It's crazy how many folks are on the road biking!!  Whitney told me she was blogging her adventure.  Her blog is called, "My First Sober  Summer!!"  I can't wait to read it!!  She said this is her best summer yet, but the worst summer for tan lines!!

Bikes parked at the coffee shop!
Two BFFs biking cross country this summer!!  OMG I miss MY BFF!!!
Beautiful Montana!
We stopped in the towns of Nevada City and Virginia City.  Both virtually ghost towns but had authentically preserved and restored buildings dating back to the gold rush of the 1860s.

There was a wicked climb after Virginia City!  I had to walk some!

Virginia City - Gold Mining Town of the 1860s
John arrived in Jackson Hole and drove up to Ennis, MT to meet us.  Tomorrow we get to bike without all our gear!  I can't wait!!
Evening in Ennis, MT!